Innovation Maturity Models for Startups & Enterprises

What is innovation? What is the difference between innovation and creativity? And why is Innovation such a big deal for your business?

Are you embracing innovation? What is your current digital maturity level?

And what do leading companies do to improve competitiveness through innovation and to manage change effectively?

In this Rooftop course Jordi Damià will give you examples, formulas, frameworks, tools & some great book recommendations to help you answer these questions.

The result? In less than 2 hours you will acquire Business Intelligence & Digital Skills that will allow you to implement innovation strategies effectively in any business endeavor you pursue.

A valuable course with both a theoretical and practical approach to get you started on your digital transformation journey.

Online Course Instructor

Jordi Damià | is an international Business Strategy Specialist and Academic Director of Zigurat’s Global MBA in Digital Transformation.

He is also CEO at Setesca, a consulting services company specialized in innovative IT strategy, and works as a Consultant at BYDAMIA and as a Professor of MBAs in advanced business strategy in other business schools such as EAE, EADA, UB, UPC, UOC, UPF and Geneva Business School.

Online Course Contents

Unit 0 | Introduction

Unit 1 | Innovation & Creativity: Keys for a Future-fit Business

Unit 2 | Competitiveness, Project Implementation & Process Improvement

Unit 3 | Innovation Maturity: Definition, Importance, Challenges & Ways to Scale

Unit 4 | Innovation Implementation, Importance of Culture, Characteristics of Leading Companies

Unit 5 | Embracing Change & Resolving Crises

Total: 58 Courses View all

El objetivo principal de este curso es conocer las diferentes claves para lograr la implementación de una ingeniería integrativa y circular.
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Project Management Courses

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